24h senior care-child care

Cost infos for daily care

The cost of domestic care depends on the quantity and quality of the care and work. The main quality issue is the language skill of the nursing staff, second their education and experience. The quantity is defined by the household size and the expected household services as much as for the needed care services, which are mainly calculated by the care grade of the client. We differ slightly the following care service modells:

Calculate your net costs for a 24 hour home care service

The cost aspect is the most important issue for most clients, because the gross salary for a 24/7 caregiver starts from a minimum of 1600€/month . After the deduction of all possibilities for state subsidies and tax effects, as a rule, the net costs of 24/7 home care for the elderly are much lower than is initially assumed.

The net costs can be deducted up to 50% of the gross costs. With only a few given details our online cost calculator computes the expected net cost for your household.

Compute the cost for a dometic 24/7 home care

legal questions about 24 home care

legal questions full time home care you'll find all legal aspects of the 24 hour home care service.

24 hour home care and tax

24h home care and tax you' find all possibilities to reduce you tax by 24 hour home care service

FAQ - 24h home care

FAQ 24h home care provides you answers to the most frequently ask questions.

24 hour care
household assistant

Vermittlung 24 Stunden Pflege
Non-binding inquiry for 24-hour household help or full-day care.
Non-binding inquiry for 24-hour household help or full-day care.
24h home care

24h child care
home care

Vermittlung häusliche Kinderbetreuung Vollzeit
Nice childminder from Eastern Europe at fair conditions.
Fulltime child care in your home.
24h child care


Kostenrechner 24 Stunden Pflege
Calculate your expected net costs for a 24-hour care

The calculator quote you the expeting costs for your 24h home care.
online calculate